You have to be a little selfish. I'm sitting at this computer right now because, whatever it is that drives me, has been egging me on for months now, to lay this first brick. To just start building whatever this is going to be. But I'm not going to lie, it's for me. I want you to read it, whoever you are, but I'm just so full of myself, I'll do this even if nobody reads it. But I hope you do. I want to do some good; I want others to gain something, anything, from reading what I have to say.
See, that's how it works. You do selfless things by starting out selfish. Love yourself, do whatever you do because it feels good. Erase your doubts and follow that thing that keeps tugging at you, that thing that others think is stupid, that nobody understands. When you've started, you 'll feel a rush, knowing you're doing what's right for you. That's all that matters, doing what works for you. Even if nobody else ever cares, you've still done a noble thing. You've silenced a longing. Unfulfilled longings are the source of so much that's wrong with the world. Vlad the Impaler always wanted to be a puppeteer, but feared ridicule. Now look what we have: Armies of the undead roaming the streets. The living decreasing in number every day. "Twilight" movies. If only, Vlad, if only.
I owe the title of this post to Will Smith, star of "Citizen Kane". He tells a story of how his father made him build a wall, to show that there is nothing you can't accomplish. Will says you don't set out to build a wall, you just try to lay the first brick as best you can. Before you know it, you have a wall. He's right.
Hopefully you haven't put your dream on a shelf, or even worse, buried and forgotten it. If so, dig it up, take it off the shelf and blow the dust off it. Look inside and remember that dream of a business, or music career, or novel, or invention, or wall. Start thinking about how you're going to start.
Then start.
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