Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Summer of You

I finally came to my senses. I have been excited since this year began, feeling that this was the year that stuff was going to really start happening for me. Today I realized that prediction has already come true. But there's lots more on the way.

Eventually though, the results will plateau, and there won't be much growth, or at least there wouldn't be if I hadn't realized one important thing: My selfishness cannot be greater than my selflessness.

Of course, we all know this, right?

Yesterday I bought something for $9.02. I gave the cashier two fives. She gave me back 98 cents... and a ten dollar bill. There was a nanosecond where all the possibilities raced through my mind. Then I gave her back the ten. Not in the slightest do I regret that decision. It isn't about how rich I am, especially since I'm not, it's about how I feel about myself as a person. And the selfishness I mentioned previously has led to being the kind of person who doesn't hesitate to give back money that isn't his.

Being selfish caused me to work on myself enough to realize when I'm being too selfish. I kept thinking, "This is going to be The Summer of Me." I knew this because I see the possibilities, I know I can make things happen. To prove this, I have decided to lose 30 lbs. by August 1st. There's no question in my mind I'm going to do just that. I started May 1st, and I'm already hard at work to see it come true.

Now, while still keeping some of my attention focused inward, I have to look outward. That's why it's also The Summer of You. Not only do you have the potential to make great things happen for yourself if you're selfish enough to put some focus inward, but I can't keep the momentum going if I don't start asking myself how I can serve others.

None of us should ever forget that we are a part of a society. The point of a society is that we work together to do things we can't do alone. We depend on each other for our success. There are some people who apparently don't know that. We call them Losers.

When I say I want to help you, I mean it. You, the person reading this. But hey, of course there are limits to what anyone can do. I can't personally help seven billion people. Maybe however, I can help some. That's what I'm trying to do by writing this. Maybe you'll see this and feel motivated. Or maybe not. Sometimes the fact that you made an effort has to suffice.